Ive made some progress on the coffee table. I am glad I kept all my jigs and templates from the last time I made this table; it is saving me a lot of time. My next task was to mill all the rough pieces down to final dimension to get them ready. Here I am sawing the 12/4 pieces down to make the aprons, which are 3/4.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable
Here all the apron pieces are roughed out and now just need to be planed to thickness.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable
I also cut the leg blanks to size and planed them to final thickness, which is 2.75" square.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable
So, I will let those pieces sit overnight and then begin to cut the cabriole legs next time.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable
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